Nice Fortnite Clan for 10 year olds

This is a Fortnite clan for 9-12 year olds we promise to be nice. Also no swearing.



My username is best_one376 and my display name is arhambotfv(smiley face). 

im new my fortnite user is christonscar im 11

is dere a discord btw im 11

Battle royal

Anyone trynna run some duos rn 

Duos battle royal 

My username is croo20 playing ranked reload getting to unreal from champion 71%

My username is forged_steven67. See y’all (or some) there, good luck.

All my usernames are KingGamer, PurpleMonkeyVR  and SketchVR. I play on PS4.

Add me whenever

Is this clan page/community still active?? 

Join between 12 and 1 also it will be all day

Need someone to practice for the Playstation tournemant with need to be 11-13 yrs old decent at builds any rank this and last season and my discord is kautious the great so if anyone's interested DM me and we'll play

New Fortnite season chapter 5 season 4

I have never been in a clan can someone help me like get them as a friend on Fortnite plz also just do it whenever no one is gonna see this stupid message away

Trying to run some ranked im not that good I haven’t been playing this season that much so I need someone to carrie me in ranked so I can reach Dimond one.we are going to play a warm up first.My name is ZyrexOn10Ping

Must have mike claim your spots must have a mike

4 players aloud only must have a mike username is roughmite4990 put your username in the comments I'm 9 and I'm a mid good player

4 players aloud name roughmite4990 comment your users

2v2 or 1v1's! im 14 yrs old (but not toxic). If you want to play add 2 accounts named ONYXFRMBX and i will add u back!

My epic is plz report2137 it will pop up as plz report2.00

only nine year olds

My user is 100Ping Pixled

If you can play add 100Ping Pixled

My user is 100Ping Pixled

My user is 100Ping Pixled

my name is yari1239944

I’m diamond one almost diamond two trying to run some ranked if you wanna play join up

Need a duo zero build mainly must be diamond plus this season champion last season and be decent at builds. It must be good.

Two hour long br ranked 

Fortnite games in the afternoon before the PlayStation cup just be eu servers to participate anyone can join any rank bronze silver gold platinum diamond elite champion and unreal all ranks

Tonight I will be playing ranked battle royale normal battle royale zero build creative etc join up if you want some chill games

Need to be plat or higher and be 10-12years old

ANYONE WANNA PLAY ADD ME OnlyCurtains2578 Im Bored

Add me

the map code is 216445027944

match for bots


fish vs cats
